Metro is a non-profit, tax-funded public service of the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA), providing about 16 million rides per year in the Greater Cincinnati area. Find answers to commonly asked questions on Metro’s FAQs.
SORTA Vision:
A regional system connecting our community with 20 million rides by 2021.
SORTA Mission:
Regional transportation connecting people and places, driving economic growth and expanding quality of life choices.
Metro is Southwest Ohio's fixed-route bus service. Metro brings approximately 20% of downtown Cincinnati's workforce into the city. Metro service operates 365 days a year and serves Hamilton County residents, as well as providing commuter routes from Clermont, Warren and Butler counties into Cincinnati.
Metro operates from approximately 4 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. each and every day, out of two operating garages (Bond Hill and Queensgate).
Service background
- Metro has approximately 837 employees, most of which are bus drivers and mechanics.
- Metro operates 348 buses that drive about 11 million miles per year. Metro also owns 44 Access paratransit vehicles.
- Metro offers 26 local-service routes, 19 express routes and 5 Job Connection reverse-commute routes.
- Metro provides about 7,000 rides per day to Cincinnati Public School and parochial school junior and senior high school students on school days.