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Veteran Job Fairs

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An excellent group of employees on site with exceptional employment opportunities for those seeking employment. Extremely organized.

Atlanta -- Transportation and Logistics recruiter

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Why attend a RecruitMilitary Job Fair?

icons8-new-job They Work

They Work

187,000+ offers made
interview-svgrepo-com They are efficient

They are efficient

Meet 50+ Companies
icons8-handshake Great Netwroking

Great Networking

Meet 1000 Industries

It was a perfect one-stop shop for any eager veterans to gain employment. I truly look forward to helping more veterans at RecruitMilitary events in the future.

Baltimore Career Fair -- Non-profit Recruiter

Since 2006, RecruitMilitary has served

event day
1,608 Events in 100+ cities
~83K Exhibitors from 1500+ industries
~764K Veterans from all service branches