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Post-Doctoral research position in Molecular Cell Biology | University of Maryland, Baltimore - Military Veterans

at HERC- Mid Atlantic

Job Description A full time Post-Doctoral research position is available in thelaboratory of Dr. Young Chun/Dr. Charles Hong in the Division of Cardiology atthe University of Maryland-Baltimore immediately. MD, PhD or MD/PhD scientist is sought to join a laboratory at theforefront of academic drug discovery, cardiovascular biology and human inducedpluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). Primary responsibility is to utilize the CRISPR/Cas9genomic engineering technology to examine the impact of genomic ablation of thecandidate target genes on iPSC-CM and animal models. If interested, pleaseemail a CV, a short statement of research interests, and the names and contactinformation for three references to Young Chun, PhD/Charles Hong, MD, PhD at Email: or University of Marylandis an Equal Opportunity Employer encouraging excellence throughdiversity. Qualified woman and minority candidates are encouraged toapply. Qualifications Applicants are requiredto have a Ph.D. or M.D. and an expertise in molecular cell biology . Prior experience in CRISPR/Cas9genome editing, and experience with hiPSCs and iPSC-CMs are highly valued. Job:Postdoctoral Fellows

Baltimore, MD

HERC- Mid Atlantic

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