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Police Web Content and Operations Coordinator - Military Veterans

at St. Louis County Police Department


An employee in this job class is responsible for managing the Department’s public facing website and managing user access to all Department applications. Work is performed under the administrative direction of the IT Director, Police IT Unit. Work is reviewed for conformance with unit practices and procedures and for accomplishment of established objectives through system operations production and results obtained.

Duty Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday, with flexibility to meet Department needs. 

INCENTIVES: The St. Louis County Police Department offers tuition reimbursement and education incentives for employees who possess a degree of higher education from an accredited institution. They shall receive the following addition to their base rate of pay: 

Associate's degree: $1,200/year 

Bachelor's degree: $2,400/year 

Master's degree: $4,800/year 

Doctorate degree: $7,200/year

Education incentive pay is subject to confirmation by Human Resources and will include proof of an official transcript awarding or conferring the degree.

Per the Department's Collective Bargaining Agreement, newly hired employees who do not possess corresponding experience will start at the base starting pay listed in this posting.

Position will remain open until filled. 

Examples of Duties

  • Manage and maintain the Department’s public facing website and internal “intranet” site
  • Ensure users are provided the proper access level to Department applications
  • Manages user active directory access through Adaxes
  • Serve as the Department’s TAC (Terminal Agency Coordinator) and schedules MULES/REJIS training for users 
  • Assist in the onboarding of new agencies to Department applications
  • Assists walk-in customers at customer counter
  • Preform other duties as required or assigned

Minimum Qualifications

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

  • Above average oral and written communication skills
  • Considerable knowledge of specialized information system terminology and software applications, to include web content management systems
  • Ability to follow detailed instructions and procedures
  • Ability to work and communicate effectively with system users, Department personnel, technical staff, and system and service vendor representatives 

Training and Experience

Associate’s degree in a computer related field with a focus on user experience/user interface design (UX/UI) or web design or equivalent combination of training and experience preferred. 

Additional Information

CITIZENSHIP: Citizen of the United States or valid work permit, and apply for citizenship when eligible.

AGE LIMITS: Eighteen (18) years of age at the time of appointment.

EDUCATION: Educational requirements and skills will be determined by the position classification.

PRE-EMPLOYMENT DRUG GUIDELINES: Any illegal adult use or possession of a controlled substance, including marijuana, within one year prior to employment. The word “drug” refers to any type of controlled substance for which you do not have a prescription; to include marijuana in all forms (edibles, gummies, or any other product containing THC).

TATTOO POLICY: Applicants and Department employees shall not display tattoos that are visible on the face, neck, head or hands. Visible tattoos on other areas of the body may be displayed with Department approval. 

ARREST: Must be free from conviction of a felony or a Class "A" misdemeanor.

MILITARY: Must not have a "Dishonorable" discharge or "Bad Conduct" discharge if having served in the military. All "Other Than Honorable" discharges will be reviewed on an individual basis.


Under the regulations of the Police Department, all appointments to the St. Louis County Police Department are made on the basis of a continuously open, competitive hiring process conducted under the supervision of the Personnel Services Unit. Each applicant must successfully complete each stage of the selection process before becoming eligible to proceed to the next step.

AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER: The Board of Police Commissioners resolved that subject to all applicable State and Federal statutory or judicial exemptions, all qualified applicants for employment and/or advancement, whether commissioned or civilian, shall be given equal opportunity for consideration, selection, appointment and retention, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or political affiliation.

St. Louis, MO

Contact Information
Kim Haus
Salary Range
$43,035 to $77,459
St. Louis County Police Department

The St. Louis County Police Department offers exciting and rewarding career opportunities to candidates who have the skill and determination to succeed in the exciting profession of law enforcement. We accept applications on a continuing basis and there is no residency requirement for commissioned officers and professional staff positions.

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