Research Specialist II (iNICHE Lab) | Prairie View A&M University - Military Veterans
at Herc - South Midwest
The Cooperative Agricultural Research Center (CARC) serves as the research arm of the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR) research component. The research within the unit addresses five systems: Animal Systems, Plant Systems, Food Systems, Natural Resources, Environmental Systems, Social Systems, and Allied Research. CAFNR also includes the International Goat Research Center, Integrated Food Security Research Center (IFSRC), and Gov. Bill and Vara Daniel Farm and Ranch. The integrated Nutrition Intervention for Community and Health Enhancement Laboratory (iNICHE Lab) is a cutting-edge laboratory where integrated and interdisciplinary research is conducted to inform research, teaching, outreach/extension, individual/population lifestyles, practice and policy decisions. The iNICHE Lab focuses on improving nutrition, health, and quality of life among different populations through community-based and clinical nutrition interventions using innovative technologies. The Research Specialist II will facilitate and coordinate research syntheses related to diet, nutrition, food and health. The role will lead the management of different projects and laboratory work including grant proposal development, implementation, monitoring, data acquisition, writing of research reports, manuscripts, and presenting findings at scientific meetings required to follow and meet quality standards and contribute to methodology advancement. This position is funded by a grant or restricted funds. Continued employment is contingent on the renewal of grant or restricted funding.