Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Biology | Gannon University - Military Veterans
at HERC- Ohio/W. PA/ W. VA
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Biology Position Summary: The Department of Biology at Gannon University is accepting applications for a full-time, nine-month, tenure track Assistant Professor position beginning August 2025. We seek a broadly trained zoologist (specialization open) to join our existing 16 faculty members in providing high-quality instructional and research experiences to undergraduate students. Preference will be given to candidates currently holding a Ph.D., those with previous teaching experience, and individuals with perspectives that integrate multiple aspects of the biological sciences (e.g. molecular ecology, conservation genetics, wildlife management). Candidates who are ABD and will receive their degree before June 30, 2025 will be considered. Biology faculty teach 24 credit hours in the academic year (lectures = 3 credits, labs = 2 credits). The successful candidate will be expected to teach courses in our revised introductory majors' sequence, upper-level electives in their field(s) of expertise, and other courses in the curriculum as needed. All faculty are expected to participate in academic advising, pursue professional development, and provide service to the University, community, and the profession. Undertaking scholarship with undergraduate students as defined by the Boyer model is also expected of tenured and tenure-track faculty. The Gannon Biology department manages 33,000 square feet of space in the Zurn Science Center. Spaces include a microbiology suite with two labs and prep area, a cell culture facility, a fisheries lab and aquarium room, and a molecular biology lab. The department advises around 200 undergraduate majors annually in Biology, Freshwater and Marine Biology, and Pre-Professional degree programs. Research opportunities exist in the region with a variety of protected areas (Presque Isle State Park, Erie Bluffs State Park, State Gamelands) and waterbodies (Presque Isle Bay, Lake Erie, Lake Pleasant, numerous streams and wetlands). The university operates the RV Environaut , a 48-foot research vessel equipped with water quality instrumentation, capacity for trawling, and an onboard scientific laboratory. Gannon also maintains strong relationships with the Regional Science Consortium, Tom Ridge Environmental Center, and state and local agencies.Interested candidates should apply online for full consideration by February 28, 2025. Applications should include (1) a cover letter, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) unofficial undergraduate and graduate transcripts (official required for hire), (4) a statement of teaching philosophy, (5) a research plan that includes undergraduates and highlights how local and regional environments can be utilized, and (6) contact information for three references from which recommendations can be requested.The Department of Biology supports the university's commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, and actively encourages women, BIPOC, and all under-represented minorities to apply. Required Qualifications: Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in a zoology-related field or will have earned their Ph.D. by June 30, 2025. Candidates must possess effective interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills, and an ability to be an effective team member. Candidates must be able to support and promote the University's inclusive Mission, its Catholic identity, and its liberal arts and professional education traditions. Preferred Qualifications: Preference will be given to candidates currently holding a Ph.D., those with previous teaching experience, and individuals with perspectives that integrate multiple aspects of the biological sciences (e.g. molecular ecology, conservation genetics, wildlife management). Location: Erie, Pa Employment Status: Full Time Department: Col.Health Professions & Sci. Division: School of Sciences Subdivision: To apply, visit https://gannon.peopleadmin.com/postings/12810 Copyright 2024 Jobelephant.com Inc. All rights reserved. Posted by the FREE value-added recruitment advertising agency jeid-6541a22818d8f247b36440aac9b62e3d
Erie, PA
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