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Dallas Police Officer - Military Veterans

at Dallas Police Department

This is a temporary trainee classification used to qualify and train candidates’ under-filling permanent Police Officer positions. Participates in a Qualifying Training Program to learn, through formal classroom instruction, the basic police procedures, techniques, and laws required to perform the duties of a Dallas Police Officer.


Your application is INCOMPLETE until you have attached a legible copy of one of the above qualifying documents. 

Examples of Qualifying Documents

  • College Transcripts/Unofficial Transcript (including required number of hours and overall GPA of 2.0 - Diplomas are not considered a qualified document) (DO NOT attach your degree certificate) 
  • Military DD214 [member page 4] (if separated) and/or Statement of Service (if currently active)This must be provided for any federal military service.
  • Statement of Service must include:
  • Dates of service
  • Anticipated separation date (must be no more than seven (7) months following application date)
  • Anticipated discharge status 
  • Active TCOLE Peace Officer License
  • Out of State Law Enforcement License

Do Not Attach

  • Resumes
  • Cover Letters 

Essential Functions

1. Attends a 32-week Basic Training Course at the Dallas Police Academy, which will provide classroom and field instruction in basic police procedures, techniques, and laws.

2. After passing the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Basic Peace Officer Licensing Examination, will receive additional training in Dallas Police Department specific courses including Dallas City Code (city ordinances), and other real life police situations and functions.

3. Performs other related duties, including special projects, as requested or required.

4. Regular, reliable and punctual attendance is an essential function of the job.

Minimum Qualifications

Applicants for trainee police officer must:

(1) be at least 19.5 years of age and not have reached 45 years of age on the date the civil service written examination is given;

(2) have demonstrated safe driving habits and be qualified to drive a motor vehicle in Texas; 

(3) for any completed military service, a designation of honorable or uncharacterized discharge as indicated on separation documents provided by the military; and

(4) meet one of the following qualifications:

(A) a minimum of 45 semester hours college credit with a C average or better from an accredited college or university;

(B) a minimum of 36 months of full time certified law enforcement experience (from date of receipt of license) with a city, county, or state law enforcement agency and be currently employed or separated from the agency for no more than four months prior to the date of application;

(C) an active, valid Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Basic Peace Officer license; or 

(D) a minimum of 36 months active service in the Armed Forces of the United States with an honorable discharge or an uncharacterized discharge as indicated on separation documents provided by the military. Applicants whose military service is no more than 10 calendar days less than 36 months are acceptable; more than 10 days less than the full 36 months requires approval from the Assistant Chief of Police over the Personnel and Support Division.

Additional Department Requirements

  • No felony or class A misdemeanor convictions
  • No class B misdemeanor convictions within the last ten (10) years
  • Must have valid driver's license with good driving record.
  • Must possess the physical/medical health to adequately perform the duties of a Police Officer 

EXAM DESCRIPTION: Exam covers map reading, reading comprehension, prioritization, probability, vocabulary and word use, mathematics, sentence clarity, and character comparison.

TIME LIMIT: Three (3) hours

Practice Test:

Supplemental Information

Dallas Police Department Process


Once candidates pass the Civil Service process, they will be contacted and referred to the Dallas Police Department Recruiting Unit to continue the process (Physical readiness test, Document completion/verification, Polygraph, Applicant Interview Board)


In-Person Testing:

Once you have been notified that you have passed the Civil Service process, you will be scheduled for in-person testing. In-person testing consists of the following steps:

  • Physical Readiness Test
  • Document completion/verification
  • Polygraph
  • Applicant Interview Board


Prior to arriving for in-person testing, please download, complete, and print the following forms (Do not sign the forms) Out of area applicants may be asked to email a copy of these forms to ensure eligibility before traveling

  • Preliminary Interview Form: Applicants answer a series of questions to confirm they meet the minimum requirements and have no disqualifying factors.

The form can be found here:  Preliminary Interview Form.pdf (Download PDF reader)

  • Personal History Statement: The Personal History Statement will be used as a basis for a background investigation that will determine your eligibility for becoming an employee.
  •  The form can be found here: Personal History Statement.pdf (Download PDF reader)

Physical Readiness Test 

Applicants must bring appropriate athletic training clothes (no tank tops), running shoes, small towel, snacks, and drinking water in a small bag to testing. 


Before traveling to Dallas, ensure you can pass the physical readiness test. We expect 100% effort! The test is given in the order shown below. 

  • Vertical Jump (minimum 6.5 inches) 
  • Bench Press, free weights (*minimum 56% of your body weight)
  • Illinois Shuttle Run (maximum time of 24.9 seconds)
  • Sit-ups (minimum of 14 repetitions in 1 minute)
  • 300 Meter Run (maximum time of 110 seconds)
  • Push-ups (minimum of 4 repetitions)
  • 1.5 Miles Run (maximum time of 19:09 minutes)

*(Current Body Weight X 0.56 = Bench Press Weight)


Document Completion/Verification

 Dallas Police Department personnel will verify all required supporting documents brought by the applicant. Applicants will finalize any portions of their documents that need clarification or completion before signing. Applicants will complete a pre-polygraph questionnaire in preparation for the polygraph examination.


Polygraph Examination 

The polygraph examination is used to verify the truthfulness of the information provided by the applicant and to inquire about undetected crimes, illegal drug use, employment, and other relevant information.


Applicant Interview Board (AIB)

Applicants appear in front of a board in formal business attire. Applicants are asked scenario-based questions and are graded on their appearance, communication skills, judgment, and logical reasoning.


Once the applicant completes the in-person testing the background investigation will begin.


Background Investigation

Applicants who pass all the previous steps proceed to the background investigation. Applicants must submit a complete, detailed, and accurate Personal History Statement. A detective conducts an extensive background investigation to include but not limited to, contacting all prior/present employers, references, co-workers, ex-spouses, family members, and schools. Also, the applicant’s residential history, record of financial responsibility, military records, driving history are investigated. Background investigations typically take two to four months to complete. Most delays are caused by the lack of reference response. Once the background investigation is completed, the applicant’s file is routed through the chain of command for review and approval. If the applicant is approved for hire, he/she a conditional offer of employment.



Once the applicant accepts the conditional offer of employment, he/she must return to Dallas to complete the below tests:

  • Psychological Examination: Applicants complete two psychological written tests and are interviewed by a staff psychologist.      
  • Medical Examination: The applicant’s physical and medical conditions are evaluated to ensure that he/she can function safely as a police officer.
  • Drug Screening: Applicants provide samples, and these are analyzed to detect the use of illegal drugs.

Dallas, TX

Salary Range
$75,397 to $100,000
Dallas Police Department

Dallas Police Department Mission Statement.

The Police Department, in serving the people of Dallas, strives to reduce crime and provide a safe city by; • Recognizing that its goal is to help people and provide assistance at every opportunity; • Providing preventive, investigative and enforcement services; • Increasing citizen satisfaction with public safety and obtaining community cooperation through the Department’s training, skills, and efforts; and • Realizing that the Police Department alone cannot control crime, but must act in concert with the community and the rest of the Criminal Justice System. In achieving this mission, the men and women of the Dallas Police Department will conduct themselves in an ethical manner. They will; • Respect and protect the rights of citizens as determined by the law; •Treat citizens and their fellow employees courteously and with the same amount of dignity with which they expect to be treated themselves; • Be examples of honesty and integrity in their professional and personal lives, thereby earning the public trust; • Perform their duties with the knowledge that protection of the lives and property of all citizens is their primary duty; and • Comply with the spirit and letter of the Code of Conduct

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