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Deputy Assistant Administrator, Diversion Control Operations - Military Veterans

at Drug Enforcement Administration

Serves as Deputy Assistant Administrator, Diversion Control Operations by providing guidance, direction, and supervision to the four sections and the subordinate units within the office. Participates with the Assistant Administrator in all phases of program planning and evaluation and management of the office to include policy formulation, direction, coordination, and implementation of worldwide programs pertaining to the diversion of legally produced controlled substances and listed chemicals.

Through subordinate program officials, maintains a detailed awareness of current activities and progress toward objectives. Provides a focal point for the day-to-day coordination and guidance of activities. Works closely with subordinate supervisors to resolve problematic issues and develops and interprets internal policies and procedures. Keeps the Assistant Administrator informed of significant actions. Assists the Assistant Administrator in directing the worldwide DEA diversion control programs to include diversion investigations; domestic and international diversion control; registration, which encompasses the administration of the annual Controlled Substances Act registration; Federal, state and local voluntary compliance programs, including regulatory enforcement investigations both civil and criminal as set forth by law and site-audit inspections and coordination with state and local officials, ensuring state and local involvement in promoting effective safeguards to prevent diversions of controlled substances and precursor chemicals from the drug industry; the regulatory control program including establishing annual production and procurement quotas for all Schedule I and II controlled substances; state assistance; industry liaison; and associated support programs. Participates fully in reviewing the effectiveness of DEA worldwide and individual field office diversion control programs to ensure that these programs are responsive to the diversion control mission of DEA and the requirements of the law. Provides guidelines and priority objectives to division offices concerning diversion control working agreements between DEA and Federal, state, local, and foreign country office officials. Represents the Assistant Administrator in meetings and conferences with key DEA and Departmental officials, law enforcement groups, representatives of international organizations, officials of other Federal, state and local agencies, the drug industry, and trade associations. Has delegated authority to commit the agency within the limits of assigned resources and program responsibilities. Participates with and assists the Assistant Administrator in formulating additional legislation and regulations to curtail the diversion of controlled substances and listed chemicals from the legitimate distribution chain.

Qualifications include both general management skills and characteristics that are applicable to all SES positions and technical or program responsibilities specific to this position. Applicants must have substantive general experience which provides a good basic or general knowledge of the principles of organization, management, and administration; and substantive specialized (operating administrative or managerial) experience in a type of work or a combination of functions directly related to this position. Applicants must meet the qualification requirements by the closing date of this announcement. Eligibility for this position will be based upon a clear showing that the applicant has experience of the scope and quality sufficient to effectively carry out assignments of the position. Applicants are required to submit a narrative statement for each of the five mandatory Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) and each of the Mandatory Technical Qualifications (MTQs). Do not enter "Refer to Resume" to explain your answer for either the ECQs or MTQs. Applications directing the reviewer to search within the application or to "See Resume" are considered incomplete and WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Failure to submit a narrative statement or address all of the ECQs and mandatory MTQs is also considered incomplete and WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. EXECUTIVE CORE QUALIFICATIONS: To receive serious consideration, applicants for this position must demonstrate successful performance and creative leadership in prior managerial position(s). Applicants must submit a statement for each of the five ECQs listed below. Statements shall be limited to a maximum of TWO pages per ECQ. One page statements are acceptable. LEADING CHANGE: Demonstrated ability to bring about strategic change, both within and outside an organization, to meet organizational goals. Includes the ability to establish an organizational vision and to implement it in a continuously changing environment. LEADING PEOPLE: Demonstrated ability to lead people effectively toward the organization's vision, mission, and goals. Includes the ability to provide an inclusive workplace that fosters the development of others, facilitates cooperation and teamwork, and supports constructive conflict resolution. RESULTS-DRIVEN LEADERSHIP: Demonstrated ability to successfully meet organizational goals and customer expectations. Includes the ability to make decisions that produce high-quality results by applying technical knowledge, analyzing problems, and calculating risks. BUSINESS ACUMEN: Demonstrated ability to strategically manage human, financial, and information resources. BUILDING COALITIONS/COMMUNICATION: Demonstrated ability to build coalitions internally and with other Federal agencies, State and local governments, nonprofits and private sector organizations, foreign governments, and/or international organizations to achieve common goals. MANDATORY TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must submit a statement for each of the MTQs listed below. Please give a complete and detailed answer for each mandatory qualification. Statements shall be limited to a maximum of ONE page per MTQ. MTQ 1 - Demonstrated expertise and experience in leading and managing phases of program planning, evaluation, and management to include direction, coordination, and implementation of large-scale programs or projects. MTQ 2 - Demonstrated experience and knowledge relating to the Controlled Substances Act and its implementing regulations. MTQ 3 - Demonstrated experience in policy formulation, including crafting and implementing legislation/regulations/policy with high-level officials at entities such as congressional, international, federal, state, tribal, and/or local, public or private, organizations.

Arlington, VA

Drug Enforcement Administration

The mission of the Drug Enforcement Administration is to enforce the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States, and bring to the criminal and civil justice system of the United States, or any competent jurisdiction, organizations and their principal members involved in the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for illicit traffic in the U.S., and recommend and support non-enforcement programs aimed at reducing availability of illicit controlled substances.

Furthermore, it’s the DEA’s responsibility to ensure the safety and health of American communities by combating criminal drug networks bringing harm, violence, overdoses, and poisonings to the United States. To accomplish this mission, the DEA employs approximately 10,000 personnel throughout the world – Special Agents, Diversion Investigators, Intelligent Research Specialists, Forensic Sciences, and professional and administrative staff – across 241 domestic offices in 23 field divisions and 93 foreign offices across the globe.

Who We Are Looking For

Every Mission Matters

Want to make a difference? Start here.  DEA is looking for people with different skill sets, but all with the same mind set – to keep drugs out of our communities.

If you are looking for:

·         a career with meaningful work,

·         a career working with the best of the best,

·         a career that contributes to the well-being of the American public,

·         and you're ready to work with an international organization having a global presence, then you've picked the right agency with DEA.

DEA offers mission criterial professions such as Special Agent, Diversion Investigator, Intelligent Research Specialist, Forensic Sciences, and professional and administrative career opportunities in a variety of occupations.


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