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Tenure Track / Tenured Professor | Johns Hopkins University - Military Veterans

at HERC- Mid Atlantic

General Description Faculty position in computational and theoretical biophysics. As part of a strategic investment for a transformative expansion of the faculty of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, Biophysics at Johns Hopkins is poised for significant growth in the coming years. To this end, the Thomas C. Jenkins Department of Biophysics ( ) invites applications for tenure/tenure-track appointments at all ranks in the fields of theoretical and computational biophysics.  We encourage applicants who seek to understand the physical chemistry, structure, function, and assembly of biomolecules, their integration into subcellular and cellular structures, and time-dependent processes spanning molecular and cellular scales. We welcome candidates who use machine-learning and artificial intelligence methods to enhance their research programs. We seek faculty colleagues who have an established interest in promoting equity and inclusion among diverse scientists, and our search is structured to minimize bias and provide equal opportunity to all applicants.   Qualifications A PhD and postdoctoral experience or equivalent are required. Application Instructions Please submit your application files including a CV, statement of current and future research, and a statement of teaching interests and philosophy through Interfolio [URL here]. Please also arrange to have three confidential letters of recommendation submitted through Interfolio [URL here]   Details for each document type are listed below.   1.   Statement of Past Research Accomplishments  (Maximum 2 pages, including figures, [ Past Research2024 ])   Describe your most significant scientific accomplishments to date and explain why they are significant.   2.   Statement of Future Research Plans  (Maximum 3 pages, including figures, [ Future Research2024 )   Describe your goals and vision for your future research program in the Johns Hopkins biophysics environment. Include relevant details (experimental, theoretical, and/or computational) that articulate how you will achieve these goals. Describe experiences and qualifications that have positioned you to achieve those goals, and how pursuit of your goals will advance the frontier of knowledge.    3.   Curriculum Vitae  Include your educational and training history; significant activities in research, education, and diversity service; honors and awards; presentations; and published and accepted papers. Preprints or papers under review will be considered if they have been deposited on BioRxiv or similar public preprint server.   -    We encourage applicants to add 2-3 sentences describing the achieved or anticipated impact of each publication or preprint in the field.  -    Please use article-level (as opposed to journal-level) publication metrics, which better reflect the value of your publications to your field.    4.   Teaching Statement  (500 words max, Teaching Criteria_2024   Describe your approach to undergraduate and graduate teaching, and the subjects you would most like to teach.     5.   Three confidential letters of reference submitted through the Interfolio system.    Submitted applications will be reviewed on a continuous basis. Priority consideration will be given to applications that are complete by October 22, 2024. The anticipated starting date of the appointment is July 1, 2025.       

Baltimore, MD

HERC- Mid Atlantic

The Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC) is a national nonprofit network of higher education and affiliated employers, committed to institutional collaboration, creating diverse workplaces, and assisting dual career couples. Searching for a job in higher ed? Our job board hosts over 30,000 faculty and staff jobs at workplaces that value diversity, equity, and inclusion. Set up your job seeker account today at: For our member institutions, we offer recruitment and retention resources, vibrant regional networks, and a new online community of practice, HERConnect. All of our resources can help you advance inclusive excellence at your institution.

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