Ordnance Specialist Organizational Level - Military Veterans
at Kay & Associates, Inc.
TASK DESCRIPTION: This position is located in the Kuwait Air Force (KAF) Organizational Level Maintenance Activity at Ahmed Al-Jaber Air Base to provide contract maintenance, modification and repair of the F/A-18 aircraft and associated weapons system. TASK REQUIREMENT: 1. Perform maintenance, testing, inspections and weapons loading and down loading of the F/A-18. This includes removal and replacement of aircraft armament equipment. 2. Assist the Avionics work center in the performance of weapons release and control systems checks. 3. Troubleshoot and repair armament systems and arm, launch, recover and de-arm aircraft. 4. Support on-the-job training and cross training of KAF personnel.
Kay and Associates, Inc. (KAI), founded in 1960, provides high quality and cost effective technical services to U.S. Government contracts both CONUS and OCONUS. Our main focus is aviation maintenance support such as: general aircraft maintenance; aircraft engine overhaul and modification; airframe modification and repair; aircaft upgrade/modification; aircraft parts supply/logistics; and aircraft Ground Support Equipment (GSE) repair/maintenance.