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Senior Actuarial Consultant - Cat Modeling - Military Veterans

at Verisk Analytics

Company Description

We help the world see new possibilities and inspire change for better tomorrows. Our analytic solutions bridge content, data, and analytics to help business, people, and society become stronger, more resilient, and sustainable.

Job Description

Verisk Extreme Event Solutions is looking for Senior Consultant with an actuarial focus to join the Regulatory and Rating Agency Client Services (RRACS) team, part of the Consulting and Client Service Group (CCSG). The CCSG mission is to build relationships based on detailed knowledge of Verisk's extreme event models and products and to meet the needs of our clients as they understand their risk and manage their business. The CCSG mission is to build relationships based on detailed knowledge of Verisk's extreme event models and products and to meet the needs of our clients as they understand their risk and manage their business.

This role centers on facilitating interactions between the insurance industry and those interested in understanding catastrophe models more deeply. This includes projects with stakeholders such as state departments of insurance, federal governments, international regulators, and rating agencies. This role will also interact with teams across Verisk, such as the Verisk/ISO actuarial teams, as Verisk continues to develop modeling solutions and refine products that employ model results.

As the reporting space continues to expand, investigating the impacts of climate change and solvency across more locations and of more lines of business than ever before, Verisk Extreme Event Solutions will continue to be on the forefront of changes across the industry. This provides an excellent opportunity to interact with key stakeholders, influence the future direction of extreme event modeling, and contribute to the conversation of building a more resilient future.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Proactively develop strong relationships with clients, regulatory, and rating agency contacts to facilitate model education, and understand requirements and changes in the reporting across the industry.

  • Lead in communication on actuarial topics for client-facing and public-facing materials, such as for the catastrophe modeling submission to the Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.

  • Assist in developing solutions for Verisk Extreme Event Solutions which require actuarial input (such as bringing an understanding of Worker's Compensation modeling).

  • Grow model understanding and usage between Verisk business units.

  • Represent Verisk in a range of forums including client meetings, regulatory reviews, internal and external conferences, and industry events.


  • Bachelor's degree in actuarial science, mathematics, statistics, or related majors. Near-ACAS desired.

  • Strong interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills, including presentation skills.

  • Demonstrated ability to learn quickly, teach oneself, and adapt to new opportunities.

  • Strong computing skills desired, such as SQL and Excel.

  • Familiarity with predictive analytics modeling and associated Actuarial Standards of Practice preferred.

  • Familiarity with homeowners or commercial property and worker's compensation would be beneficial.


Additional Information

For over 50 years, Verisk has been the leading data analytics and technology partner to the global insurance industry by delivering value to our clients through expertise and scale. We empower communities and businesses to make better decisions on risk, faster.

At Verisk, you'll have the chance to use your voice and build a rewarding career that's as unique as you are, with work flexibility and the support, coaching, and training you need to succeed.

For the eighth consecutive year, Verisk is proudly recognized as a Great Place to Work® for outstanding workplace culture in the US, fourth consecutive year in the UK, Spain, and India, and second consecutive year in Poland. We value learning, caring and results and make inclusivity and diversity a top priority. In addition to our Great Place to Work® Certification, we've been recognized by The Wall Street Journal as one of the Best-Managed Companies and by Forbes as a World's Best Employer and Best Employer for Women, testaments to the value we place on workplace culture.

We're 7,000 people strong. We relentlessly and ethically pursue innovation. And we are looking for people like you to help us translate big data into big ideas. Join us and create an exceptional experience for yourself and a better tomorrow for future generations.

Verisk Businesses

Underwriting Solutions - provides underwriting and rating solutions for auto and property, general liability, and excess and surplus to assess and price risk with speed and precision

Claims Solutions - supports end-to-end claims handling with analytic and automation tools that streamline workflow, improve claims management, and support better customer experiences

Property Estimating Solutions - offers property estimation software and tools for professionals in estimating all phases of building and repair to make day-to-day workflows the most efficient

Extreme Event Solutions - provides risk modeling solutions to help individuals, businesses, and society become more resilient to extreme events.

Specialty Business Solutions - provides an integrated suite of software for full end-to-end management of insurance and reinsurance business, helping companies manage their businesses through efficiency, flexibility, and data governance

Marketing Solutions - delivers data and insights to improve the reach, timing, relevance, and compliance of every consumer engagement

Life Insurance Solutions - offers end-to-end, data insight-driven core capabilities for carriers, distribution, and direct customers across the entire policy lifecycle of life and annuities for both individual and group.

Verisk Maplecroft - provides intelligence on sustainability, resilience, and ESG, helping people, business, and societies become stronger

Verisk Analytics is an equal opportunity employer.

All members of the Verisk Analytics family of companies are equal opportunity employers. We consider all qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, sex, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, veteran's status, age or disability. Verisk's minimum hiring age is 18 except in countries with a higher age limit subject to applicable law.

Unsolicited resumes sent to Verisk, including unsolicited resumes sent to a Verisk business mailing address, fax machine or email address, or directly to Verisk employees, will be considered Verisk property. Verisk will NOT pay a fee for any placement resulting from the receipt of an unsolicited resume.

Boston, MA

Verisk Analytics

About Us

We’ve been making the future more certain for half a century. In 1971, we opened our doors as an insurance rating bureau, focusing on risk analytics and insights. Since then, we’ve grown to become a valued source of insights that can drive recovery and transform industries, and even governments, worldwide.

Each and every day, we’re enabling better tomorrows. Verisk works in collaboration with our customers and at the intersection of people, data, and advanced technologies. Through proprietary platformed analytics, advanced modeling, and interpretation, we deliver immediate and sustained value to our customers and through them, to the individuals and societies they serve, with greater speed, precision, and scale.

We believe in the potential of business to change the world for the better. At Verisk, we take our responsibility toward our people, products, processes, communities, and the planet seriously. And we ethically and relentlessly pursue innovation to help move our customers and the world forward.

Our company is a great place to work. And to do work that matters. Verisk received U.S. certification from Great Place to Work®. Globally, we’re more than 6,000 people strong, all of us on a mission to achieve both profitable outcomes and positive societal impact.



We value your drive to succeed and share your commitment to the world. Search jobs now by location, keyword, category, and expertise. Or you can choose to join our Talent Network so we can notify you of opportunities that match your interests. Verisk is an equal opportunity employer.

The company’s policies for recruitment, advancement, and retention of employees forbid discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, sex, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, veteran’s status, age, or disability and any other criteria prohibited by law.



Our Culture

Great People Make Great Workplaces Verisk received U.S certification from Great Place to Work® for its outstanding workplace culture, as well as third-time certification in the UK, Spain, and India. To achieve our certification, we surveyed our employees on their workplace experience and met Great Place to Work’s research-backed benchmark, considering factors such as innovation, inclusivity, company values, and the effectiveness of our leaders.

  We’re a Great Place to Work® Best Workplace Employees have spoken! Verisk is one of the 38 companies on the 2022 UK’s Best Workplaces™ list (for Super Large Organizations) and one of 18 companies on Spain’s Best Workplaces™ list (for companies from 101 to 250 employees)—highlighting our culture of trust, pride, and camaraderie.

  Diverse and Global Join over 6,000 colleagues—including business and technical specialists, analysts, certified professionals, and marketing and sales experts—who do work that matters in more than 30 countries.

  Positive Employee Experience We support a culture of engagement through education and development, team collaboration, and open communication that connects us all.

We use an annual survey to achieve a continuous loop of engagement, feedback, action, and change.

We provide a socially rich environment of activities and events.



Core Values


Working together to build global resilience for individuals, communities and businesses.

Vision To be the leading strategic data, analytics, and technology partner to the global insurance industry by delivering value to our clients through knowledge, expertise and scale.


• Learning - Remain open, curious and inventive

• Caring - Be aware, sincere and connected in your work

• Results – Achievement-driven, goal focused and resilient

How We Serve Our Customers Every day, Verisk works to create value for our customers by innovating to meet their ever-changing needs to help our clients make better decisions, improve productivity and profitability. We use artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, and other emerging technologies to collect and analyze billions of records.


Comprehensive Financial Benefits

We offer competitive salaries, annual merit salary reviews, and the opportunity for advancement.

  Verisk’s Disaster Relief policy provides interest-free loans to assist employees who suffer a financial loss from a natural disaster.

  We offer best-in-class healthcare coverage options.

  Group and Individual Wellness Programs

Depending on business location, we offer on-site health and wellness programs such as flu shots, weight management, yoga classes, the Verisk Global Walking Challenge, running clubs, and team sports.

Employee assistance programs help with the everyday challenges of life that may affect health, family life, and ability to excel at work.

We offer a wide selection of programs to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

Work/Life Balance Programs

The Hours to Give program allows voluntary donations of accrued paid-time-off hours between colleagues when a medical emergency or major disaster occurs.

Verisk’s Parental Leave policy provides paid leave for new biological or adoptive parents.

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