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Senior Bridge Inspection Team Lead - Military Veterans

at Michael Baker International


Michael Baker International has addressed bridge design, construction and preservation challenges with innovative and sustainable solutions. Exemplifying its depth and versatility in the bridge space, Michael Baker International, ranked Number Four by Engineering News-Record in its annual ranking of Bridge Design Firms in the United States, has partnered with clients on a full spectrum of bridge types-from conventional grade separations to major, complex river crossings, including trusses, arches, box girders and cable-stayed bridges.


Michael Baker is actively seeking a Sr. Bridge Inspection Team Lead to join our Nashville office. You will work with others in planning and executing the safety and fracture-critical inspections of state and locally-owned bridges in addition to preparing inspection reports.

  • Coordinate and perform field inspections, evaluate bridge conditions and write reports, identify maintenance needs, properly code the structure inspections in the owner's bridge management system, load rating analysis, and ensure timely submission of inspection documents
  • Candidate will use hand tools, ladders, under-bridge inspection vehicles, and other equipment necessary for the inspection of on-system and off-system bridges, inspection and load rating for culverts, pre-stressed beam bridges, cast-in-place concrete bridges, steel girder bridges, steel truss bridges, and timber bridges.
  • Feel a sense of pride in knowing that you are helping to address some of our nation's most critical infrastructure challenges while building the future of our organization!

Meet One of the following four criteria for an NBI-qualified, Routine Bridge Inspection Team Leader:

1. Is a Professional Engineer in the state of Tennessee, who has successfully completed National Highway Institute (NHI) training course # 130055, "Safety Inspection of In-Service Bridges", and has a minimum of one year experience in National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) bridge inspections; or

2. Has a minimum of five years of bridge inspection experience, and has successfully completed National Highway Institute (NHI) training course # 130055, "Safety Inspection of In-Service Bridges"; or

3. Has all the following:

  • Bachelor's degree in engineering from a college or university accredited by or determined as substantially equivalent by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.
  • Successfully passed the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying Fundamentals of Engineering examination.
  • A minimum of two years of bridge inspection experience; and
  • Has successfully completed NHI training course # 130055, "Safety Inspection of In-Service Bridges"; or
4. Has all the following:

  • An associate degree in engineering or engineering technology from a college or university accredited by or determined as substantially equivalent by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology; and
  • A minimum of four years of bridge inspection experience; and
  • Has successfully completed NHI training course # 130055, "Safety Inspection of In-Service Bridges"
AND Meet the following for Complex Bridge Inspection Team Leader:

  • Has successfully completed NHI training course # 130078, "Fracture Critical Inspection Techniques for Steel Bridges"
  • Valid U.S. Driver's license
  • Strong attention to detail and ability to self-start
  • Excellent external and internal, oral and written communication skills
  • Strong leadership skills; including maintaining internal and external relationships
  • Good external and internal, oral and written communication skills.
  • Ability to work in an outdoor environment for extended periods. Work performed from ground, ladders, boats, man-lifts, or under bridge inspection equipment.


Michael Baker International, a leading provider of engineering and consulting services, including design, planning, architectural, environmental, construction and program management, has been solving some of the world's most complex infrastructure challenges for more than 80 years with a legacy of expertise, experience, innovation and integrity.

Based in Pittsburgh and with nearly 100 offices nationwide, we partner with clients on everything from roads, bridges, tunnels, mass transit, and airports, to water treatment plants, arctic oil pipelines, environmental restoration and specialized overseas construction. We serve as a trusted adviser to the communities we serve, making them safer, more accessible, more sustainable and more prosperous.

We provide visionary leadership in facilitating transformational change for our clients. Our work delivers differentiating innovations and dedicated experts who challenge the status quo and share a world of diverse experience and an impassioned entrepreneurial spirit. We deliver quality of life.

We Make a Difference.

Michael Baker International is proud to be an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Michael Baker International provides equal employment opportunity for all persons, in all facets of employment. Michael Baker International maintains a drug-free workplace and performs pre-employment substance abuse testing and background checks. We encourage all qualified applicants to apply for any open position for which they feel they are qualified and all will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, citizenship status, marital status, genetic information, disability, protected veteran status or any other legally protected status.

EEO is the Law. Applicants to and employees of Michael Baker International are protected under Federal law from discrimination.



Michael Baker International is proud to be an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Michael Baker International provides equal employment opportunity for all persons, in all facets of employment. Michael Baker International maintains a drug-free workplace and performs pre-employment substance abuse testing and background checks. We encourage all qualified applicants to apply for any open position for which they feel they are qualified and all will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, citizenship status, marital status, genetic information, disability, protected veteran status or any other legally protected status.

EEO is the Law. Applicants to and employees of Michael Baker International are protected under Federal law from discrimination.


Nashville, TN

Michael Baker International

Michael Baker International, a global leader in engineering, planning and consulting has been partnering with communities since 1940 to solve their most complex infrastructure challenges with a legacy of expertise, experience, innovation and integrity.

Supported by more than 6,000 employees in 90 offices worldwide, we provide a full continuum of life-cycle engineering consulting, specialized global construction, base operations, security management, systems integration and intelligence solutions. Our clients include federal, state, and municipal governments; foreign allied governments; and a wide range of private development and other commercial partners.


When Michael Baker Jr. first established his engineering firm in 1940, he envisioned a company that would serve as a property surveyor or designer of roads, bridges, buildings and sewage systems, and also as a trusted, long-term partner with local communities and distant nations. His employees strove to transform communities, companies, states and even nations, adopting dual roles as both caring neighbors and innovative nation builders. Baker instilled in his employees the drive to deliver improved quality of life and the desire to make a difference.


Baker built a lasting legacy that today forms the foundation on which we continue to serve and grow. Today, we continue to leverage our collective expertise and experience to make the communities we serve better. We strive to make them safer, more accessible, more environmentally sustainable and more livable. We facilitate their transformation supported by differentiating innovation, technologies and dedicated employees. We are change agents, leading our partners around the world into the future.


Our greatest differentiator, though, is our employees who demonstrate a world-class ability to solve complex problems. That’s why we engage our people, educate and train them, develop their careers, and invest in their futures. We give them opportunities around the world to exercise and expand their skills and expertise. We reward innovation and collaboration that lead to the best solutions for our clients. As a company, We Make a Difference.


To most effectively serve our clients, Michael Baker International is organized into three distinct business units: Engineering & Consulting; Sallyport Global Holdings; and SC3, which are described below.




The Engineering, Planning and Consulting business unit encompasses the complete life-cycle of planning, environmental assessment, engineering design, construction management, and facilities maintenance for projects in more than 38 countries on five continents. We provide a full continuum of solutions for a broad range of markets, including highways, bridges, airports, rail and mass transit systems, domestic and overseas government and commercial facilities, water and wastewater infrastructure, energy infrastructure and urban planning and development.


Professional Services – As part of Engineering, Planning and Consulting, this business unit provides high-value, differentiated engineering and professional services around the globe, including specialized construction services, cost management support and engineering support.

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